Snapper (Yellow Tail), 1/4-1/2 lb, Whole, Gutted, Frozen, NW, 55 lb



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The Yellowtail Snapper is found in the western Atlantic Ocean from Massachusetts to Bermuda and southward to southeastern Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. These snappers have a lean, firm texture. The flesh is white, light delicate and mild. Also, it is moisty, and it has a mildly sweet and fresh taste. Besides, this high-protein fish contains low calories and all essential amino acids. USDA data reveals that each three-ounce serving of cooked snapper provides 22 grams of lean protein with a little more than one gram of fat. It also provides other vital nutrients include calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. Vitamins C, B12, A, and folate are also present in this tasty fish. The nutrition profile of mutton snapper makes it ideal for diabetics or those who are pursuing a heathy diet. 

IWP stands for Individually Wrapped Packed. This is a hygienic type of packaging that protects against dehydration.